2023 Holiday Gift Guide for Young Kids
As a mom of young kids, I thought it would be fun to do my first gift guide highlighting gifts that would be perfect for young kids! Kids of all ages can enjoy these gifts and they are all so fun to use whether you’re a stay at home mom, or a working mom - these gifts will be so fun for your kids and give you a chance to connect with your kiddos! I chose all of these gifts because they are all things that my kids enjoy and have fun with! This would be a great idea to send to grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, or to add to your kiddos lists from Santa!
So scroll through the pics and ‘unwrap’ the gifts!

Little Passports | Science Subscription
This is SO fun. We recently had the opportunity to have one of these subscriptions and they are just SO fun. The kids really enjoy how they incorporate science and learning with fun! Definitely suggest this for your kiddos who are 4+! Especially kids with older siblings. It’s a great opportunity for older and younger siblings to play together and have fun! They are 20% off from 10/12-10/15 with code EMILYHOLIDAY20 for their 6 and 12 month subscriptions and what I LOVE most about this gift, it is a gift that will keep on giving for months after you gift it! Such an awesome little treat for your kiddos all year long!
The Wonder of Creation by Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio' follows up his bestselling kid’s devotional with this mind blowing and faith building devotional book that includes faith building scientific facts and biblical truths about how amazing our God is and about the wonder of His creation! Something the whole family can truly enjoy!
Cozy Kids Anywhere Chair by Pottery Barn Kids
These chairs are super cute, cozy. and fun for your kiddos! They are a great addition for your family room, or kid’s bedroom so you can create a special space for reading and relaxing!
Check out my other gift guides!
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