2024 Wrap Up Message to Women

It’s been a long time since I wrote a blog post and I thought today would be a good day to get one out there! This summer was rough for me. I struggled a lot with my hormones, then came down with CDIFF and have since been trying to rebuild my gut, my health, and level out my hormones. I am working on being the confident, put-together, fun, and life-loving person I used to be! It is hard to make yourself a priority ladies, but it’s necessary.

I have realized that I have given ALL of me to my family and left nothing for myself. Nothing for me. I used to enjoy doing so many things and I gave them up because I thought that’s what a good mom and wife does. I couldn’t have been more wrong. A good mom and wife fills her cup so that she can be a good mom and wife. A good mom and wife shows her family that she values herself as much as she values her family and therefore she puts herself first when necessary.

So as we wrap up 2024, I am realizing that I need to make myself a priority again. That means swapping scrolling, for exercise. Swapping foods that don’t fuel or nourish my body for foods that give me energy and support the demands of my life. It means forcing myself to get out of the house, and do things even if I don’t feel like it or am anxious. I am breaking free from the chains that I put on myself. Because as much as we want to blame our kids or husband or house, we have to take responsibility. It’s me. I’m the one that let myself go. Maybe the demands of motherhood and being a wife and taking care of the home and working full time made it difficult to take care of myself BUT that doesn’t mean I couldn’t have pivoted and changed something sooner so that I could make myself a priority.

I am currently sitting at Founding Farmers in King of Prussia. I have had many brunches and meals here with girlfriends and family. We used to come here all the time (up to KOP) to eat and shop and get out! This feels so foreign to me now because we really don’t venture too far out of our home town anymore unless it’s to go to the beach. I used to dream of days that I could sit at a cafe and work all day. Obviously I like to stay close to home now during the day because the kids are in school - which makes total sense. We have tons of great cafes around us too! I just stay home a lot of the time for ease. But I’ve realized that it is not good for me to be isolated like that. It’s better for my mental health to get out of the house and be around others. To work from a cafe or get out for lunch or go to the gym. Because it puts me around other people. It motivates me and helps encourage me to perform better, and I show up better as a mom and wife when I am filling my cup.

Life changes quick. I vowed to myself that after I was healed from CDIFF that I wouldn’t be afraid to live my life. That I would get out and enjoy life like I used to. Sometimes we are hurting and it’s hard to get out. Sometimes we go through difficult things and it’s hard to force ourselves to show up. I’ve learned that those are the times I need it the most. Retreating is not healthy in those situations. Being around loving people. Filling your cup with things you enjoy. Forcing yourself to get out of your comfort zone really helps you become stronger, heal, and grow your confidence.

Here are some things I want to leave with you all today as we are bringing 2024 to a close…

Don’t underestimate yourself.

Push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

Remind yourself, that life is meant to be lived & loved & enjoyed!

Grow your confidence by pushing yourself to do things that scare you!

Nothing is as scary as we anticipate it to be.

Surround yourself with loving people, that challenge you to be better, and empower you forward!

Don’t be afraid to take chances.

Don’t be afraid to make changes.

Encourage others the way you need encouragement.

Getting out is better than staying in.

Filling your cup makes you a better mom, wife, etc.

When we are faced with challenges and valleys it’s important we first look to God, then surround ourselves with others. Don’t isolate yourself. You don’t have to be alone.

Don’t waste your time worrying about anything. It doesn’t change anything.

Enjoy the cup of coffee. The piece of cake. The margarita. Life is too short.

Set big goals for yourself then make a plan to achieve them.

Don’t forget to follow along with me on Instagram @emilyrose_parkins


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