How to Save $100+ a Week on Groceries

We have been trying to cut back on our grocery expenses because it is just crazy how much money we can spend a month on groceries. For example, in the past few months our average grocery / food spend was over $2000. That is just a crazy amount of money to spend on FOOD. I am convinced that a lot of this spending was being wasted too. I would get to the end of the week and the veggies or fruit would be bad. I would bet that a lot of it gets thrown out because the kids don’t finish their dinner, we don’t eat all of the leftovers, or I forget to use the meat (or I’m too tired) so it needs to be thrown out.

So, I’ve been on a mission this month to lower our food spend because I would really love to get it down to about $250 a week. TOTAL. Unless we’re going on a date or have a special occassion. I really don’t want to rely on fast meals, or eating takeout because I’m tired. Which is a really easy excuse because my husband is a firefighter who works 24-48 hour shifts multiple times a week. So with 3 little kids, and a full time job - you can imagine that I am in fact - tired. BUT, here’s the thing. When I am prepared. When I stick to my routines. When I know what I’m making, or pre-make the dinners I am prepared and I am able to feed myself and my family and give us nutrient packed meals, that are healthy for us, and keep us feeling good and are budget-friendly.

Here are a few tips I have for you to save $100 or more a week on groceries. Did I mention we are a family of 5? Our oldest child, is a 7 year old boy who will eat the house when he’s hungry LOL so as you can imagine I really need to stretch our food. So here you go, here are some of the things I’ve been doing to save money.

Tip 1: Decrease the number of snacks you are buying.

Snacks are ridiculously expensive. It is pretty silly that we’re spending anywhere from $5-$8 on a bag of chips. You can greatly reduce your grocery budget by simply cutting out snacks. The thing is, they do have to be replaced with other things. I haven’t completely cut out snacks, but I did decrease the number of snacks I was purchasing. So I started only buying 1-2 bags of snacks a week. I pre-package them myself into ziplock bags and put them in the cabinet. So they are already in single serving bags when it’s time to grab them (making packing lunches or darting out of the house easier)!

Tip 2: Make your own snacks.

I have tons of recipes for snacks on this blog. I love cooking and baking. I love experimenting with recipes. I think it’s fun to try to recreate a favorite food but make it healthier and not as high in fat, sugar, or processed ingredients. So, I always try to find a healthier version of my favorite snacks or breakfast items and then I put my own spin on it. Try out some of my favorite snack recipes on my blog! This will save you tons of money. And instead of looking at this like a chore - try to make it fun. Include the kids - or don’t and make it relaxing. :)

Tip 3: Meal Plan.

I have tons of resources on the blog for meal planning. I definitely notice a huge difference in my stress levels when I am meal planning. Not just dinner, but breakfast and lunches too. When I make a solid meal plan for my family for the week or month I am less stressed because I know what’s coming. I make my store list, and I get the ingredients needed for the recipes and I make the dinners, the breakfast, the lunches, and it is ONE LESS thing I have to think about. Which really is helpful when you’re juggling so much!

Tip 4: Write out your grocery list

Instead of doing the list on my phone or as the week goes adding it all to my grocery app - I have been writing it down on a piece of paper. Yes I know this is old school and I know it may not work for you, but it works for me and it’s been super helpful. I think it’s helpful because I’m able to see everything written down, and I am less likely to forget something. Either way, making a list before you shop (even if you’re online grocery shopping) really helps you get everything you need, without over-spending, over-browsing and over-purchasing.

Tip 5: Only Buy What’s on Sale

I know this also won’t work for everyone, but if something isn’t on sale, and I don’t need it that week - I won’t buy it. I usually wait until things are on-sale to buy them. Especially if it’s a packaged food. Then when it goes on sale I will buy 2-4 of it so I have it for next time. If it’s produce, I will try to see if there is a deal like Buy 3 get $5 off. I then, will add 3 of those items to the cart and this is where being creative comes in because sometimes what’s on sale might be a different ingredient (fruit, veggie, etc.) then what you were supposed to buy. Be flexible and buy what you can afford and don’t be afraid to switch up the veggies and starches in your recipes!

I know these are simple tips, but trust me they will make a difference in your budget and your stress levels! Don’t forget to tag me on Instagram @emilyrose_parkins for tips & help with all of these fun things we have to manage as mamas!

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