Simple Ways to Add Fun & Self Care Into Your Routine as a Mom
I notice that I’m much more on edge when I’m not focusing on my self-care and having a little fun during the week. It doesn’t have to be a lot of time allocated to both but putting in some time and taking the extra time for myself makes a big difference in my mood.
Throughout the day I’m so focused on everyone else that I lose track of my own needs and it’s hard to refocus when you get out of that habit of self-care and having fun as an adult. Everything doesn’t need to be so serious all of the time and we can let loose and have fun. Learning how to turn off that seriousness and refocus on enjoying life can make a huge difference for your overall well-being.
I’ve compiled a list of things I’ve been doing the past few weeks to get you started! Do what feels good for you and focus on your well-being, your interests, and what brings you JOY.
You can check out the list here.
Let me know in the comments what you’re going to incorporate into your day to bring yourself some more joy!