Emily Parkins

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Learning to Live More Simply

Good afternoon,

It is a rainy, rainy day here in the boondocks of Pennsylvania. I have been working away while my sitter keeps our babies occupied for me. Thank God for her, seriously.

I am just taking a break for a minute to, you know, write the first blog post on my new website. I just feel creative the past few days and especially without being on social media. I have felt super aligned and less brain fog not worrying about getting on there and posting or sharing or consuming.

So, let me get focused here.

The new website is about being a woman. I am going to share what has worked for me. I’m not a doctor or any one who has done significant research in what I’m sharing here. Just a woman, who has been through experiences that I feel are worth sharing with the world and could help other women thrive in their lives.

It has been a wild ride, and it only gets wilder. I feel called to share my story with other women. We all struggle with the same things, you know, and it’s important we make it normal to discuss our struggles so we can learn new and better ways of living this life.

Since having our daughter, I have been more open about my emotions and struggles. I have shared more about what I need help with and how I need help. If someone asks me, ‘Is there anything I can help you with?’ I will answer honestly, “Yes, can you help me with the dishes? Can you pick up milk?”

This season has inspired me to start this blog. This training. See where it all goes. I feel called to share my life with other women and so, God, that is what I’m doing through the internet.

My goal is to bring you back to a simpler life. Not a plain life, a simpler life. One where we’re not being one-upped by anyone. One where we can sit at the table and have dinner. One where our kids listen. Our husband don’t think we’re grumpy because we’re stressed. Our lives are simpler because there is less mess to clean up because we’ve only held onto things that we use or are important. One that leaves space for unexpected road trips. Unexpected guests. Unexpected date nights.

Yes, I am here to help you get there. You are not alone in this life. You have an army of women fighting with you - living beside you - cheering you on.

Life is good, my sweet friends. And it’s about to get better.

Until next time,