Tuesday Morning Devotional | June 6
Good morning friends!
Today’s devotional is called Saying Goodbye! You can listen to it wherever you ilsten to podcasts and read it below!
Losing people you love is part of life. Even if it's people you disconnect from. There is nothing in the Bible that says you have to remain friends with someone who has hurt you, or has done you wrong. Matthew 5: 43-48 says; "You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven."
This does not say - you must have dinner with your enemy. This does not say you must invite your enemy to a bonfire or birthday party or call them to check-in. You just need to treat them with respect and love because that is how you should treat all people.
Over the years, I have had many disagreements with people who used to be my friends. We used to hang out all the time, talk all the time, etc. Somewhere along the lines things have changed, and we had grown apart. Life leads us all in different directions and sometimes it leads to others placing judgement on your decisions, or differing opinions and when we cannot move past these circumstances often relationships drift apart.
It is not my responsibility to be checking in on people when they've already shown me who they are and who they are is not someone I want to be surrounding myself or my family around.
Do you know people in your life that you've had to cut ties with because they've lived or treated others or have made decisions that just don't line up with your morals and values? It's okay to believe people when they show you who they are. Don't question someone's character when they are showing it to you black and white. I do not feel regretful for cutting ties with people who have abused my friendship, have talked negatively to me, have been nasty to me, have judged me, or otherwise hurt me in any way. I will pray for that person. I will show that person love and respect, but I will not give that person my energy or time for my energy and time is spent with people who love and cherish me back.
Journal Questions:
Is there someone in your life that has shown you who they are, and you have a hard time believing it?
How can you cut ties with that relationship and still be praying and loving them from a distance? Practical Things You Can Do Today:
If there is someone in your life that you feel is no longer a good influence, it's okay to say goodbye.
Encourage others to follow God. When someone complains about something to you today offer them encouragement and scripture.
Check out my blog for more devotionals and tips: www.emilyparkins.com
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