Emily Parkins

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The Overflow of May & How to Thrive

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Wow, where is the year going! I cannot believe we are already in May and it’s the end of the school year. It seems like this month is another level of wild. There is so much going on and I never noticed it before. I also have noticed a lot of people talking about how overwhelming May is, and I never noticed that either. Seems like everyone is struggling with the same thing right now - overpacked schedules & overstimulation. OVERFLOW.

The overflow of this month is really taking a hit at my productivity and I want to try to encourage you to take back your sanity with some of these tips but first lets chat about all of the things you could be dealing with this month.

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Things you could be managing this month:

  • Weddings

  • Sports schedules

  • Sports championships

  • Graduations

  • Birthday Parties

  • Mother’s Day

  • Memorial Day

  • Recitals

  • Religious Events

  • Teacher Appreciation

  • Vacations

  • Planning vacations

  • End of year behavior

  • Planning summer camps

  • Planning VBS

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The list is never ending I’m sure there are SO many things I’m forgetting. However, I think it’s important that we really focus on how special May can be and to keep our sanity we may need to cancel some things and pull back our energy.

There is nothing worse than an overstimulated mom and I cannot function when I’m not taking care of my mental health. I have been lacking in my working out which really helps me focus, and with my anxiety management.

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Here are some ways to help yourself get through the rest of the month without feeling like you’re completely losing it… completely.

  1. Plan time for rest. Like you are planning everything else, plan 1-2 nights or days a week - however many you can plan really - to just rest and recharge. No, not binge watching Netflix or movies or whatever the whole time - but really rest and recharge. Walk outside. Sit in the sunshine. Enjoy your cup of coffee. Read a book. Watch the kids run around instead of doing chores while they’re entertained. Just rest. Sit while the toddlers sit and just recharge your batteries!

  2. Plan time for nourishing meals. When you’re busy it’s even more important to make sure you’re getting in nourishing meals and foods. There is no time like right now to change your diet, so if you’re overconsuming birthday cake, wine, or snacks because of the parties, weddings, and sports schedules opt for better for you options. We love these Quest chips with 20g of protein. I’m also loving beans, here’s an easy and quick recipe!

  3. Quiet time will go a long way right now. When you’re in the car going from place to place - it might be helpful for you to just have no music on and listen to the car driving. Sometimes being in the car without any music playing really helps clear out the voices in your mind. I’ve got a lot going in my mind all of the time so I love driving in the peace and quiet with the windows down. It is so calming. If you don’t like peace and quiet in the car, opt for something more relaxing that’s not like Nicki Minaj or something!

  4. Cancel. Cancel. Cancel. If you have to, just cancel that plan that’s hanging over your head because you’ve got too much on your schedule. Sometimes we can’t cancel things, but other things we can. And even if it’s something that you wanted to go to at the time, but now you’re tired and really need to get to bed early, or use that time to write your next blog post, or create your next recipe - it’s okay. It’s okay to cancel things that you aren’t interested in doing because your mood changed. Everyone experiences that

  5. Note to self: No Doctors Appts in May! Ok, I failed this one but now I know for next year. I am not ever going to make any yearly appointments in May or September. Absolutely NO. These months are insane and there is no need to get yearly appointments in right now. So, no.

  6. Spring cleaning… Look, I know. We all want to deep clean our homes this month BUT here’s the thing… March is a really great month for that too. So maybe next year plan to deep clean your whole house in March, NOT May. Prepare for spring by spring cleaning but don’t actually clean in spring!

  7. GIVE YOURSELF A MINUTE TO CATCH UP. Last tip, give yourself a minute to catch up. If you’re like me and your head is spinning right now just give yourself some time to catch up. That whiplash your feeling is real because it’s probably only 9am and you probably feel like it’s 6pm. So take a minute and PROCESS what is actually happening or has happened then move on!

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Ok fellow mamas, I hope this helped you! I hope these tips help calm you down and motivate you to get through the rest of the month! I’ve also included below a list of some of my favorite things that are making this month easier… take a look at grab what you think would help!


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  • Meal Delivery: Thistle is my absolute favorite. Try them out using this link and get $100 OFF!

  • Wantable: If you need cute clothes for an upcoming event, try them out. They have high quality nice things that you guys will love!

  • Hatch Restore 2: This is my sleep secret. Absolute easiest way to fall asleep is with the Hatch. I’m currently obsessed with my wind down routine. Follow me on my stories on IG to see what I choose!

  • Target Circle 360 Membership & Walmart Pick-Up - I’m obsessed. Nothing else to say here!

  • Pink Lily: Super cute suits and cover ups and outfits for summer! They are having some HUGE sales this weekend, so check it out! Use code May20 for 20% off!

  • Gainful Greens: These are a new staple in my kitchen and are keeping me on track with my nutrition while providing natural energy! They are super affordable too at $42 for 28 servings! They have a yummy protein powder too!

  • Cocunat Skincare: This brand of skincare items has become my all-time fave. They have changed the look and feel of my skin completely! 30% off right now until Sunday too and you can get an extra 15% off using my code EMILPARKINS15 :)

  • Happsy Mattress: We just upgraded our mattress to this organic california king and I cannot tell you how much better my sleep has been. You’ve got to try it out. Use code EMILY15 for 15% off everything!

  • Caraway Home Pans: Make clean up a breeze with these organic non-toxic non-stick pans. They truly are amazing.

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