Maple Iced Coffee

Good morning!

Iced coffee is my drink of choice on vacation. Normally my husband wakes up early and will go out and get us iced coffee and it’s my favorite part of the early morning! Just SO good and makes me instantly feel relaxed and chill and like hey hey hey - I’m on vacation (you know the song!)

So I have come up with the EASIEST and tastiest iced coffee recipe that I replicate at home and I wanted to share it with you all!

You can substitute heavy whipping cream for almond milk, coffee creamer, whole milk, or any type of milk. I LOVE heavy whipping cream in this because it gets fluffy and that’s my favorite part!


  • Coffee

  • Maple Syrup

  • Heavy whipping cream

  • Ice


Add ice to a mason jar, pour in coffee, heavy whipping cream, and maple syrup. Add a lid and shake. The shaking is what makes it fluff up! Take the lid off, add a straw, and enjoy!


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